Sunday, October 25, 2009

Speaker Hacks

For simple setups, a receiver is totally overrated. They're big and bulky, and draw a lot of power, and complicate a simple wiring setup. But, when you want to drive a set of unpowered speakers, what choice do you have? You've gotta drive those speakers somehow.

Today, I was thinking about this a bit. For the playroom speaker setup, I had given up on my amp because it didn't fit in the space I had, so I was just using computer speakers. The computer speakers are based off of a subwoofer that plugs into the wall, which takes the input via minijack, amplifies the signal, and sends it to two little satellite speakers via another minijack. Finally, I had the a-ha moment! The amp is in the subwoofer! It's itty-bitty compared to a stand-alone amp, and it sits on the floor unobtrusively. So hypothetically I could replace the chintzy satellite speakers with real SPEAKER speakers. The only* catch is that real speakers hook up via speaker wire, and the chintzy satellites hook up via minijack. How hard could it be to fix that?

* Well, and the quality/power probably isn't as good as a real amp, either, but I can compromise.

As it turns out, not hard at all. My first idea was to wire up a new minijack to speaker wire; that'd require a trip to Radio Shack for something like this:

That's a little complicated, though, since you need semi-precise soldering ability. I figured I could probably come up with a simpler plan, and after a little research, my revised idea was this:

Radio Shack asks a mere $9 for this beautiful RCA-to-speaker-wire cable. Not bad, and eliminates the need for soldering. But, I thought, if it's that simple, I have plenty of RCA cables sitting around in a box. PLENTY of them, and not much use for them. So, I figured, what's the worst that could happen? I cut the ends off of a perfectly good six-foot Monster Cable stereo RCA cable, stripped it down, twisted the ends, and voila. I had a high-quality equivalent to Radio Shack's cable.

So at the end of the day, the setup is as follows:

Wall socket → Inexpensive Computer-Speaker Subwoofer → Minijack-to-RCA adapter → Barrel adapter → RCA-to-bare speaker wire → Speakers

I'm having fun with the images in this post, so visually we have: